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Read e-book online Tools for homesteaders, gardeners, and small-scale farmers : PDF

By Diana S Branch; Intermediate Technology Publications

ISBN-10: 087857235X

ISBN-13: 9780878572359


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Extra info for Tools for homesteaders, gardeners, and small-scale farmers : a catalog of hard-to-find implements and equipment

Example text

Is that it enables one person to cover a lot of ground in little time. K. 21 IF you are spading iti the fall or early winter, leave the rurfacr tough after spading. As is true with fall plowing. xorb and hoI4 more water through winter and frwes will mellow it better. The soil will also dry ow faster in spring. Work the surface as soon 23 work ten times faster than ordinwy labor and is wt as exh~tusting. “We say that it is a biological tool because it integrally respects the bacteri;d lift in the soil and soil structure, both of which hen& cultivation.

In the minitractor disguise, the Groundhog runs Out of traction and starts spinning long before its engine sttdk. A better bite--with dual wheels or wider tires-would help in soft soil. els. Its price, p&xmnnce, quick and easy adjustments, and goud design clearly recommend it. 1 do have one strung opinion. Many gardeners underestimate a tiller’s working ability. Except for turning under a heavy sod or green manure crop. a five horsepower. ely to he stumped when used correctly. Can a tiller with attachments provide most, if not all.

Or, cover the area with deep muL:h in the spring, and when that has rotted away together with the sod under it, then rotary till. 39 You may Ix able to chop up ;cnd incorporate heavy plant growh like cow with ii pessor two OF your tiller, but really hc;wy, dense growth should he mowed with a rotwy mower first. That makcc the ,job much easier, heciuse incvit:hly tht dense green stulf will taogle and entwine in the tiller tines, and you’ll have to get down anti cut it out. A small amount of clogging cati he cleared hy reversing t’w direction of the tines while raising them just a wee bit above digging depth.

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Tools for homesteaders, gardeners, and small-scale farmers : a catalog of hard-to-find implements and equipment by Diana S Branch; Intermediate Technology Publications

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