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Download e-book for iPad: Knowledge Technologies: Publishing studies series - volume 3 by Nick Milton

By Nick Milton

ISBN-10: 8876990992

ISBN-13: 9788876990991

Numerous applied sciences are rising that offer new how one can seize, shop, current and use wisdom. This e-book is the 1st to supply a accomplished advent to 5 of an important of those applied sciences: wisdom Engineering, wisdom established Engineering, wisdom Webs, Ontologies and Semantic Webs. for every of those, solutions are given to a few key questions (What is it? How does it function? How is a procedure built? What can or not it's used for? What instruments can be found? What are the most issues?). The publication is geared toward scholars, researchers and practitioners attracted to wisdom administration, synthetic Intelligence, layout Engineering and internet applied sciences.

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Creating web-based material to share engineering knowledge around an organisation. However it is likely that there will be a dramatic impact as soon as the challenge is met of the automatic generation of a functioning KBE application directly from a knowledge base. The relationship between KBE and CAD Systems is an important one. In the words of Cooper and La Rocca [10]: Historically there has been ambiguity and controversy regarding the role of KBE with respect to its interaction with traditional CAD systems.

E. g. new technologies, new practices, new regulations, etc. The system should address one or more of the following benefits: À Decision Making: Decreased decision-making time, improved decision-making process and improved decision quality; À Processes: Increased process and product quality, flex- ibility, increased output and increased productivity; À Production: Reduced downtime, easier equipment op- eration, operation in hazardous environments and elimination of the need for expensive equipment; À Information: Capture of scarce expertise, accessibility to knowledge and help desks, ability to work with in- N.

G. the wing span is modified or a different analysis model is specified); N. R. Milton 48 6. The new input file is submitted to the MMG to generate an updated aircraft configuration with relative output models set. 3 How is a KBE application developed? KEYWORDS: SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT, MOKA, PRODUCT MODEL Most early KBE Systems were developed using methods devised by the particular people involved. There was no standardised approach and the success of an application was solely dependent on the abilities and experience of the development team.

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Knowledge Technologies: Publishing studies series - volume 3 by Nick Milton

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