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Celtic Night: A Fifteen-Year-Old Girl's Modern Retelling of - download pdf or read online

By Bridget O'Dwyer

ISBN-10: 1932802940

ISBN-13: 9781932802948

A contemporary retelling of A Midsummer Night's Dream, this tale of a 15-year-old American girl's adventure learning in a foreign country within the Irish nation-state borrows components from Irish folklore and escapist-fantasy fiction. Adjustment to lifestyles with an Irish relations is difficult firstly, yet she forges a bond together with her new college neighbors whilst, overdue one evening, they slip out into the encompassing woods and revel with fairy-like creatures at a mystical marriage ceremony occasion. genuine settings in eire give you the backdrop for the tale, and the Shakespearean storyline serves good to depict an adolescent's leap forward from outsider prestige to club in an enchanted society.

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Example text

She kept shooting questions at me as she went behind the counter and grabbed a handful of gummy candies. “I know. It’s really weird coming here having never met any of my family. I’m fifteen. ” 24 “I’m thirteen,” she said; just as I had suspected. “Are you hungry? ” “I actually don’t have any Euro yet. I have to exchange it first,” I told her. ” “Oh, um, like American chips! Sorry, I forgot! ” “Okay. ” “Here, have a Cadbury’s Dairy Milk. ” I ripped open the wrapper and took a bite. It was amazing.

After all, we were sharing a room the size of a prison cell for six months. They asked me questions about my life at home. Did I have a boyfriend? What my school was like? What did I like to do for fun? Eventually, after I stopped answering, I started asking. They gave me the low down on the school and the town. Grainne had generously cleared out a few drawers for me to use, so I was able to begin unpacking. I decided to put my shirts in the dresser, my pants in the closet and my shoes under the bed.

Mairead was definitely shy and seemed uncomfortable around me because she didn’t know me. I saw her looking at me. When we would make eye contact she would smile and turn away quickly. I could tell she was talkative because I saw her being open and loud with the other girls. I guessed it would just take time. She was very simple and elegant. She had shoulder length strawberry blond hair and gorgeous skin. It looked like she had blush on all the time but it was a completely natural glow to her skin.

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Celtic Night: A Fifteen-Year-Old Girl's Modern Retelling of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream by Bridget O'Dwyer

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