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Balzac journaliste : Articles et chroniques - download pdf or read online

By Honoré de Balzac

ISBN-10: 2080712772

ISBN-13: 9782080712776

"Si los angeles presse n'existait pas, écrit 13alzac, il faudrait ne pas l'inventer". Journaliste, pourtant, il le fut. Et de manière compulsive. De ses débuts jusqu'à sa mort, il écrivit quantité d'articles, collabora à de nombreux "petits journaux" - ces feuilles littéraires et satiriques très répandues sous l. a. Restauration -, fonda ses propres revues, dont l. a. Revue parisienne, qu'il rédigea presque intégralement, de juin à août 1840... l. a. présente anthologie, inédite, rend justice à cette construction foisonnante. Dans ces pages, Balzac est journey à travel critique littéraire et chroniqueur : il recense les dernières parutions, exerce son droit de réponse, pourfend les tics de langage. Il croque le bourgeois avec le expertise d'un caricaturiste chevronné et s'engage avec ardour dans l'affaire Peytel, dont il aurait voulu faire son affaire Calas. Et si le fait divers l'attire tant, c'est qu'il le transforme en roman. vehicle par-dessus tout, Balzac journaliste reste romancier. Dès 1830, il publie des oeuvres narratives en plusieurs livraisons, inventant, avant l'heure, le roman-feuilleton. Il profite de l'écriture périodique pour esquisser des personnages, des psychologies, des décors, qui sont ceux de l. a. Comédie humaine. Témoin l'article élogieux qu'il consacre à los angeles Chartreuse de Parme, et qui n'est rien de moins que Stendhal récrit par Balzac...

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32 THE NEWS REVOLUTION IN ENGLAND Periodical news was a larger problem; the "Corranto coiner" runs a mint that never ceases its counterfeiting of reality. " For example, in order to bring readers back for the next issue, "he ever leaves some passages doubtfull, as if they were some more intimate secrecies of state, clozing his sentence abruptly—with heerafteryou shall hear more. " And apparently there were plenty of these enthusiasts; they came to the printer's shop on Monday before the Exchange opened, and on Tuesdays sent the corantos on to friends in the country.

Like newborns, readers could not ignore the blooming, buzzing confusion around them, as is possible in our more blase times. The whole world clamored for their attention, before the news industry had learned to screen reports with an eye to reader interest. As reports arrived from Constantinople and Japan, Burton thought it was his duty to take an interest in them all. They were the troubles of his world. Such lands might once have been mere curiosities, but now he was getting frequent letters from them.

In an earlier day, their propaganda would have been conveyed in occasional pamphlets, when there was time to refine the presentation. But a periodical format was of particular importance to the Royalist cause. Scattered Royalist forces needed regular, encouraging reminders of the strength and superiority of their cause. There were weeks when it was impossible to produce Mercurius Aulicus, and morale did suffer as a result. In such instances Berkenhead pretended that readers had only missed an issue, by jiggering the pagination and sheet signatures as if no gap existed.

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Balzac journaliste : Articles et chroniques by Honoré de Balzac

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